Who we are

Numbering 58 members from diverse backgrounds, Greens/EFA is the fourth largest political group in the European Parliament. The Group includes members of Green movements, representatives of stateless nations and independents. Unity in diversity : our Group has the most consistent voting behaviour.


What we want

With rising unemployment, especially for youth, with entire societies on the brink of collapse, with so much strain put on public finances, with food scandals undermining consumer confidence, with a dead-end energy policy ignoring climate urgency, with democracy and rights jeopardized in some EU countries, Europe needs a change of direction.

The multiple crises facing Europe - economic, social, environmental, democratic - require action in all European policy fields. In a globalised world, the challenges transcend borders; so do the solutions. Isolation and nationalism cannot be the answer, neither can old policies and austerity measures.

We want a comprehensive transformation for Europe allowing everyone to live a good life based on economic, social and environmental sustainability. More concretely we want to deliver millions of green jobs, ambitious climate protection, health and social justice.

The Europe we want is a Europe of solidarity and well-being; a Europe that acts for equal opportunities and fundamental rights; a transparent Europe that people can trust; a Europe that promotes cultural diversity and gives hope to youth; a truly democratic Europe in which citizens have a say.

More Europe is the best way to a sustainable, social, fair and democratic Europe.