Promoting Green economy and social justice
In the economic and financial crisis, the Greens/EFA fight for a more ethical economy. We make policies for those who lost their jobs during the crisis, for employees, and small innovative entrepreneurs with business models based on sustainability. We are at the side of consumers when pushing for effective regulation of banks, for improved transparency of markets. Our policy is to strengthen the social dimension of the EU, to ensure social justice and equal pay to keep free market legislation away from public services and especially social services and health care. We want a comprehensive economic and social transformation that enables our societies to deliver prosperity, and well-being, within the physical limits of our planet.

Discrimination of women during the financial crisis
The economic crisis is affecting large sectors of the population in many Member States.
In this context, it has long...

Developing the job potential of a new sustainable economy
In 2010, unemployment in the EU reached an unprecedented level of around 10%.
As the economic crisis continued to...
Investing in the future: a new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) for a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Europe
The EU budget will remain one of the most hotly debated EU issues for years to come.
Every seven years, the EU...

Recommendations of the EU Parliament against the economic crisis
Immediately after the collapse of the US bank Lehman Brothers in 2009, when the financial crisis started spreading across...

First economic governance package (Sixpack)
As a consequence of the sovereign debt crisis, European member states decided to amend the Maastricht criteria with six...

A European financial transaction tax
Levying a taxing on financial transactions is a good way of curbing some forms of financial speculation.
It also...

European Social Fund
The European Social Fund (ESF) is the EU's most important tool for implementing social and labour market policies, domains...

The European Union Solidarity Fund, implementation and application
The European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) was established in 2002 after devastating floods in Central Europe.

Second economic governance package (Two-Pack)
The Two-Pack is a legal instrument that amended the so-called

Capital requirements of banks (CRD IV)
The euro crisis has revealed many weaknesses in the banking system. Banks had unsafe business models and insufficient...

Enforcement of EU rules on posted workers
Although the posting of workers is one of the practices rooted in the very notion of the internal market, it is a relatively...

Supporting research and innovation in SMEs through Horizon 2020
Innovation in SMEs is essential for supporting economic recovery, job creation and the development of...

Horizon 2020 - EU investments for research and innovation in the field of energy
The Horizon 2020 programme (2013-2020) is the EU investment programme for research and innovation. It pursues...