Stop climate change - play your part

Keep up to date with all of the latest news on climate, policy and international negotiations from our campaign website. 


Food culture 

Food is essential. We need it for our lives, health and well being. Good food is political. Join us in our fight for increased public awareness, personal engagement and participative democracy in determining and improving food policies throughout Europe. 


Green New Deal

The Green New Deal is the Greens' comprehensive response to the current economic, social and environmental crises.  Success stories, best practice and research materials.


Respect my Privacy

With the revision of EU rules on data protection currently reaching a crucial phase, and new revelations about covert data mining by US authorities emerging amid ongoing negotiations on an EU-US agreement, the Greens launched a campaign on data protection. 


Green TEN-T

If European transport policy is to seriously contribute in the fight against climate change it is crucial to reconsider the trans-European network as well as transport policy under the premise of economical, social and environmental sustainability and climate change.


Get Women On Board 

This Green campaign supports the introduction of mandatory EU-wide quotas for the representation of women on executive boards. 


For a GMO-free Europe 

GMOs represent a global threat to environment, health, biodiversity and long-term food security. European citizens have a right to a GMO-free environment and food. 



We demand: No start to negotiations on the EU-US trade agreement TTIP before the US have committed themselves to binding data protection standards with the EU! 


The flawed EU budget plan (2014-20) and the Greens/EFA alternative

6 reasons to oppose the deal and 7 demands for a better budget 


Out and green

We are not equally free in every European country to walk in a pride parade. With the looongest virtual parade, you can show your support for the organisers and participants of the parades. Let them know they are not alone in fighting for the LGBT rights .