Public service broadcasting in the digital era: the future of the dual system
The EU audiovisual landscape is marked by the so-called 'dual system', i.e. the coexistence of public and commercial broadcasters.
In some Member States the relations between these broadcasters are unbalanced, which exerts downward pressure on the freedom of media and freedom of opinion.
In countries like Italy, where Silvio Berlusconi owns a major media conglomerate, the switch to digital transmission systems may pose an additional threat to media pluralism.
This issue is raised in all the various reports published by Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) and its Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).
What was the Greens' position?
The Greens believe that pluralism and diversity play an important role in for safeguarding cultural democracy in any country.
This belief coloured our position in the negotiations and prompted the attainment of a broader agreement consensus on the issue.
Did other MEPs accept the Greens' position?
Which points did the Greens lose?
Overall, the Greens were satisfied with the result of the negotiations.
Since education and culture are largely national competences and the EU only serves as a facilitator between the Member States, conflict over issues in these domains is rare.
Procedure:Own-initiative procedure
Lead MEP:Ivo Belet (EPP)
Green MEP responsible:-
Staff contact:Frédérique Chabaud (Email)